Petriage Clinical Insights

IMPORTANT: This article, which is provided for educational purposes only, is based on published veterinary data and decades of work with pets and pet parents. The information provided here is not designed to be comprehensive but to help you avoid the pitfalls of online misinformation and most importantly, to frame the conversation you should have with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian’s perspective may differ from what is expressed here. Always consult with your veterinarian.

Bland Diets for GI Upset

Pets that are suffering from vomiting or diarrhea may benefit from the temporary use of a special diet that is bland and low in fat and fiber. You may purchase such foods, or make them easily at home.


  • Homemade bland diets should be low-fat and low-fiber, with only one type of protein.
  • Human baby food may also be used, but it must not contain garlic or onions.
  • Homemade diets and human baby food lack essential nutrients for pets, and should only be used for a short period of time.
  • Your vet may recommend a specific food best suited to your pet’s condition.


  • A homemade bland diet consists of 1 part low-fat protein with 2-3 parts low-fiber carbohydrates, by volume. For example:
    • 1 part poached or steamed chicken breast with 2-3 parts cooked white rice.
    • 1 part poached or steamed very low-fat ground beef with 2-3 parts cooked white rice.
    • 1 part poached or steamed low-fat ground turkey with 2-3 parts cooked white rice.
    • 1 part low fat cottage cheese with 2-3 parts cooked white rice.


  • Cook the protein separately from the carbohydrates, so that you can remove any visible fat or grease before combining the ingredients. It’s important to keep fat levels as low as possible.
  • Don’t add salt or any other seasonings to homemade diets.